Art has the power to honor the intangible value of ordinary life.
Coaching helps us to become a better version of ourselves.
Both art and coaching can help us get more in touch with our neglected sides and be more complete in this life.
I am Ilse Wielage, Artist and Coach. Coaching, like being an artist, is a craft that requires skills. With a background within both the art world and professional coaching , I combine the two fields.
You can come to me for a personal development journey if you have a challenge.
I am also there for the oil painting of your dreams.
You can even choose a combination ; then I will create a fitting painting of your unique personal journey.
"If you show the courage to walk your own unique path this path will reveal itself."
A painting can touch you deep in your soul and evoke emotions.
Often it is a pure sense of beauty, emotion, or an association that makes a painting catch your attention. A natural connection can occur that you don't let go of, for personal reasons. The painting comes alive for you and you want it around you. Because it inspires you, evokes memories or holds up a mirror to you. The painting resonates and from that moment on you know that the painting will travel and live with you.
Life may call for adjustments. You may encounter difficulties in your professional or private life for which you are looking for a sparring partner. Someone who listens and encourages you to understand what is holding you back. Someone who stimulates you to formulate and achieve new goals. In recent years, I have developed to guide others in this. I am not just another coach. All my life, I have been bringing my own imagination to life. I therefore invite you to use creativity to develop your personal leadership, foster deep connections and inspire others. You are your own work of art. Taking you further in this is my pleasure.