COACHING | Diploma Integral Trauma Coaching | Feb 2024 | Alba Academy

Past months, at the Alba Academy, I learnt how to work with trauma as a coach. It was an education that brought me a lot. After all, the most beautiful people are those who know adversity, know suffering, know loss, know struggle, and have found their growth and flourishing in this deep dark source of life.

As a result, they have developed an appreciation, sensitivity and understanding of life that fills them with compassion and kindness, and with deep feelings of love. Beautiful people are not a coincidence.

It is not our suffering that should worry us. Rather, the trick is to live while we live - to free our inner self from the spiritual death that comes with living behind a facade. An exterior that is constructed to meet external expectations of who and what we are. The way inward yields a very different picture.

Coaching can be helpful to free ourselves of pain and tension.

It may be difficult to work on yourself, but it will give your life a different direction, at least it will bring you closer to yourself.
